I’m honored to be creating a global experience using doTerra Essential Oils. This page is intended to service you with information and inspiration to help you along your journey with doTERRA.

My hope is for you to feel Spiritually Whole.

Are you curious about these essential oils? That’s exactly what brought me to doTERRA… my curiosity!


Grab yourself a cup of tea and dive in! Your gonna love these oils. I always say that I provide information and the oils sell themselves.

Ok! So now that you have your tea, let me guide you through your next steps that I know will change your life!

By the way, you will be overwhelmed by the goodness of these oils and the bounty of uses they have for you and your home! (you’re gonna see a lot of exclamation points lol)

If you decide to become a wholesale customer which is what I always suggest, I say start simple and get fancy later. I’ll make sure you have access to education, resources and everything you need to get the oils inside you and your home.

There is a business opportunity with doTerra but I want you to try the oils first, have multiple wonderful, supportive experiences from the oils, then we can sit down over another cup of tea and discuss how doTerra can benefit your life financially.

I lurked around until I felt it in my heart to join - now I'm glad to spend about sixteen hours per week dedicated to my growing business. I've recreated my relationship to money, to efficiency and to the idea of running my SECOND company.

All while still running my private practice!


All of the starter kits allows you to get a 1 year membership for FREE!!

With your membership you get 25% off every purchase!!

Retail $366.67 Wholesale $275 (The most popular!)

Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca, Breathe, Oregano, Deep Blue (5ml), Peppermint, Digest Zen and On Guard

Includes: Petal diffuser and doTerra Essentials Booklet

Retail $200 Wholesale $150

5 ml bottles of Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca, Breathe, Oregano, Deep Blue (5ml), Peppermint, Digest Zen and On Guard

Includes: Peppermint, On Guard Beadlets and Essentials Booklet

Retail Price $200 Wholesale $150

5 ml bottles Balance, AromaTouch, Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca, On Guard, Deep Blue, Wild Orange and Peppermint

Includes: Petal diffuser, Fractionated Coconut Oil and Essentials Booklet

Retail Price $260 Wholesale $195

doTerra Emotional Aromatherapy System (Trademark)

5 ml bottels of Motivate, Cheer, Passion, Forgive, Console, Peace

Includes: doTerra Essentials Booklet

INTERESTED? Want to know more?